Our range of products: fresh produce, meat & pet food.

Discover our extensive range of fresh produce, meat products for human consumption and CAT-3 products for the pet food industry.


Thanks to our many years of experience in Latin America, MondiFlex is specialized in importing exotic fruits directly from the countries of origin, with a focus on bananas.

our specialties

  • import & export
  • day trading & additional purchase
  • bananas, mango's, pineapples, limes & other sorts of citrus fruits


Besides specializing in fresh produce, MondiFlex also focusses on meat products suitable for human consumption.

our specialties

  • Processing, delivery, storage and transportation
  • Poultry, beef, pork, veal and lamb
  • various fish species


In addition to meat products suitable for human consumption, we also offer our customers CAT3 products for the petfood industry. The production of (pet food) blends based on specific recipes is also a core activity. 

our specialties

  • Processing, delivery, storage and transportation
  • CAT3-products
  • production of (pet food) blends based on a recipe


Contact us on +31 (0) 24 8200228, info@mondiflex.eu or click on the button below and fill in the contact form.